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Caregiver Support Program Reassessments and Benefits Extended for One Year

For veteran and caregiver participants of the VA’s Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) program, an upcoming reassessment will be necessary for extended coverage of current benefits.

New regulations implemented on Oct. 1, 2020, expanded the program to veterans who served on or before May 7, 1975. These new regulations also included an update to the program’s eligibility requirements. Reassessments are being conducted to determine whether current participants remain eligible.

On Sept. 22, the VA announced that the timeline for completing these reassessments would be extended for an additional year. This will ensure that all legacy participants are able to maintain their current level of benefits through Sept. 30, 2022 – including those who enrolled in the program before new eligibility requirements went into effect last year and who may be discharged from the program as the result of the reassessment.

Over the next year, the VA will evaluate the cases of veterans in the program with the goal of providing an accurate and equitable distribution of benefits. Overall, around 19,800 legacy participants, legacy applicants, and caregivers will be reassessed.

The PCAFC program is set to undergo the second and final phase of expansion on Oct. 1, 2022, to include combat veterans who served between May 8, 1975, and Sept. 11, 2001.

Wounded Warrior Project is committed to making sure that all veterans and their caregivers receive the benefits and support that they have earned through their sacrifice. If you or a loved one have questions or need assistance with the PCFAC program or any other benefit program, do not hesitate to reach out to WWP’s Resource Center team, available from 9 am to 9 pm ET Monday through Friday, at 888.WWP.ALUM (997.2586).



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